speculation and random musings about life as i know it.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mindless Self Indulgence

I realize it's been awhile.  So much time has lapsed that it seems I've entered a new trimester.  The third to be exact.  (By my count, it's the last) I haven't written because I've been busy, kind of.  Sure, there's the usual work and school nonsense.  But honestly?  I've been keeping myself busy doing, well, whatever I want....

Someone was kind enough to give me the advice to spend as much time as possible alone before the kiddo comes into the picture.  No one really had to twist my arm to do that, as I generally adore hanging out with myself (regardless of impending motherhood).  In less than three months I realize that 375% of my time will likely be spent being devoted to things that are not me.  Kind of a no brainer, I know.  I feel that this gives me complete license to be as completely and utterly self-indulgent as I want to be until the end of February rolls around.

In the midst of occupying myself with trying out new things in the kitchen, I've been attempting to catch up on my extracurricular reading (finishing "The Corrections," starting the new Chuck P,  dabbling in books about breastfeeding, dreaming of "Sex, Time, and Power"), taking long and silent walks in the woods, sleeping in, getting massages, shopping peacefully, and watching all the HGTV and PBS documentaries I possibly can.  All the while, nesting like mad, reading textbooks, and cranking out 20 page papers about the correlation between competent nonverbal communication and relational satisfaction and mindless discussion board postings about the perils of adolesence.

Did I mention that I am also growing a baby boy in this big ol' belly of mine?

Life has proven to be simultaneously mellow and crazy over the last few months, to say the least.  I feel fortunate that I've been able to spontaneously indulge in all the lovely activities mentioned above - but I have to admit: I'm more and more excited every day about the prospect of holding my curly-haired baby boy in my arms and surrendering to the selflessness of motherhood...